Source code for FlagEmbedding.finetune.embedder.encoder_only.m3.modeling

import os
import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Any

import torch
from torch import Tensor
import torch.nn.functional as F
from transformers import AutoTokenizer

from import AbsEmbedderModel, EmbedderOutput

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class EncoderOnlyEmbedderM3Model(AbsEmbedderModel): """Embedder class for M3 model. Args: base_model (AutoModel): The base model to train on. tokenizer (AutoTokenizer, optional): The tokenizer to use. Defaults to ``None``. negatives_cross_device (bool, optional): If True, will compute cross devices negative loss. Defaults to ``False``. temperature (float, optional): Temperature to control the scale of scores. Defaults to ``1.0``. sub_batch_size (int, optional): Sub-batch size during encoding. If negative, will not split to sub-batch. Defaults to ``-1``. kd_loss_type (str, optional): Type of knowledge distillation loss. Defaults to ``'m3_kd_loss'``. sentence_pooling_method (str, optional): Pooling method to get sentence embedding. Defaults to ``'cls'``. normalize_embeddings (bool, optional): If True, normalize the embedding vector. Defaults to ``False``. unified_finetuning (bool, optional): If True, will finetune colbert vector and sparce embedding. Defaults to ``True``. use_self_distill (bool, optional): If True, will do self distillation. Defaults to ``False``. self_distill_start_step (int, optional): Step num to start self distillation. Defaults to ``-1``. """ def __init__( self, base_model: Dict[str, Any], tokenizer: AutoTokenizer = None, negatives_cross_device: bool = False, temperature: float = 1, sub_batch_size: int = -1, kd_loss_type: str = 'm3_kd_loss', sentence_pooling_method: str = 'cls', normalize_embeddings: bool = False, unified_finetuning: bool = True, use_self_distill: bool = False, self_distill_start_step: int = -1 ): super().__init__( base_model, tokenizer=tokenizer, negatives_cross_device=negatives_cross_device, temperature=temperature, sub_batch_size=sub_batch_size, kd_loss_type=kd_loss_type, ) self.sentence_pooling_method = sentence_pooling_method self.normalize_embeddings = normalize_embeddings self.cross_entropy = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='mean') self.unified_finetuning = unified_finetuning if not self.unified_finetuning: self.model = base_model['model'] self.colbert_linear = None self.sparse_linear = None else: self.model = base_model['model'] self.colbert_linear = base_model['colbert_linear'] self.sparse_linear = base_model['sparse_linear'] self.config = self.model.config self.vocab_size = self.model.config.vocab_size self.use_self_distill = use_self_distill self.self_distill_start_step = self_distill_start_step self.step = 0
[docs] def _dense_embedding(self, last_hidden_state, attention_mask): """Use the pooling method to get the dense embedding. Args: last_hidden_state (torch.Tensor): The model output's last hidden state. attention_mask (torch.Tensor): Mask out padding tokens during pooling. Raises: NotImplementedError: Specified pooling method not implemented. Returns: torch.Tensor: The dense embeddings. """ if self.sentence_pooling_method == "cls": return last_hidden_state[:, 0] elif self.sentence_pooling_method == "mean": s = torch.sum( last_hidden_state * attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1).float(), dim=1 ) d = attention_mask.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).float() return s / d elif self.sentence_pooling_method == "last_token": left_padding = attention_mask[:, -1].sum() == attention_mask.shape[0] if left_padding: return last_hidden_state[:, -1] else: sequence_lengths = attention_mask.sum(dim=1) - 1 batch_size = last_hidden_state.shape[0] return last_hidden_state[ torch.arange(batch_size, device=last_hidden_state.device), sequence_lengths, ] else: raise NotImplementedError(f"pooling method {self.sentence_pooling_method} not implemented")
[docs] def _sparse_embedding(self, hidden_state, input_ids, return_embedding: bool = True): """Compute and return the sparse embedding. Args: hidden_state (torch.Tensor): The model output's last hidden state. input_ids (_type_): Ids from input features. return_embedding (bool, optional): If True, return the computed embedding, otherwise just return the token weights. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: torch.Tensor: The sparse embedding or just the token weights. """ token_weights = torch.relu(self.sparse_linear(hidden_state)) if not return_embedding: return token_weights sparse_embedding = torch.zeros( input_ids.size(0), input_ids.size(1), self.vocab_size, dtype=token_weights.dtype, device=token_weights.device ) sparse_embedding = torch.scatter(sparse_embedding, dim=-1, index=input_ids.unsqueeze(-1), src=token_weights) unused_tokens = [ self.tokenizer.cls_token_id, self.tokenizer.eos_token_id, self.tokenizer.pad_token_id, self.tokenizer.unk_token_id ] sparse_embedding = torch.max(sparse_embedding, dim=1).values sparse_embedding[:, unused_tokens] *= 0. return sparse_embedding
[docs] def _colbert_embedding(self, last_hidden_state, mask): """Get the colbert vectors. Args: last_hidden_state (torch.Tensor): The model output's last hidden state. attention_mask (torch.Tensor): Mask out padding tokens during pooling. Returns: torch.Tensor: The colbert vectors. """ colbert_vecs = self.colbert_linear(last_hidden_state[:, 1:]) colbert_vecs = colbert_vecs * mask[:, 1:][:, :, None].float() return colbert_vecs
[docs] def compute_score( self, q_reps, p_reps, q_mask: torch.Tensor, dense_weight: float = 1.0, sparse_weight: float = 0.3, colbert_weight: float = 1.0 ): """_summary_ Args: q_reps (_type_): Query representations. p_reps (_type_): Passage representations. q_mask (torch.Tensor): _description_ dense_weight (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 1.0. sparse_weight (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 0.3. colbert_weight (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 1.0. Returns: _type_: _description_ """ dense_score = self.compute_dense_score(q_reps, p_reps) sparse_score = self.compute_sparse_score(q_reps, p_reps) colbert_score = self.compute_colbert_score(q_reps, p_reps, q_mask=q_mask) return dense_score * dense_weight + sparse_score * sparse_weight + colbert_score * colbert_weight
[docs] def compute_dense_score(self, q_reps, p_reps): """Compute the dense score. Args: q_reps (torch.Tensor): Query representations. p_reps (torch.Tensor): Passage representations. Returns: torch.Tensor: The computed dense scores, adjusted by temperature. """ scores = self._compute_similarity(q_reps, p_reps) / self.temperature scores = scores.view(q_reps.size(0), -1) return scores
[docs] def compute_sparse_score(self, q_reps, p_reps): """Compute the sparse score. Args: q_reps (torch.Tensor): Query representations. p_reps (torch.Tensor): Passage representations. Returns: torch.Tensor: The computed sparse scores, adjusted by temperature. """ scores = self._compute_similarity(q_reps, p_reps) / self.temperature scores = scores.view(q_reps.size(0), -1) return scores
[docs] def compute_colbert_score(self, q_reps, p_reps, q_mask: torch.Tensor=None): """Compute the colbert score. Args: q_reps (torch.Tensor): Query representations. p_reps (torch.Tensor): Passage representations. Returns: torch.Tensor: The computed colber scores, adjusted by temperature. """ token_scores = torch.einsum('qin,pjn->qipj', q_reps, p_reps) scores, _ = token_scores.max(-1) scores = scores.sum(1) / q_mask[:, 1:].sum(-1, keepdim=True) scores = scores / self.temperature return scores
[docs] def ensemble_score(self, q_reps, p_reps, dense_scores=None, sparse_scores=None, colbert_scores=None): """Compute the ensemble score of the three methods. Args: q_reps (torch.Tensor): Query representations. p_reps (torch.Tensor): Passage representations. dense_scores (torch.Tensor, optional): The dense scores. Defaults to ``None``. sparse_scores (torch.Tensor, optional): The sparse scores. Defaults to ``None``. colbert_scores (torch.Tensor, optional): The colbert scores. Defaults to ``None``. Raises: ValueError: dense_scores, sparse_scores, colbert_scores must be provided Returns: _type_: The ensemble score of the three methods. """ if dense_scores is None or sparse_scores is None or colbert_scores is None: raise ValueError("dense_scores, sparse_scores, colbert_scores must be provided!") return dense_scores + 0.3 * sparse_scores + colbert_scores
[docs] def _encode(self, features): """Helper function to encode using input features. Args: features (Union[list, dict]): Features feed to the model. Returns: torch.Tensor: Dense embedding. torch.Tensor: Sparce embedding. torch.Tensor: Colbert vector. """ dense_vecs, sparse_vecs, colbert_vecs = None, None, None last_hidden_state = self.model(**features, return_dict=True).last_hidden_state dense_vecs = self._dense_embedding(last_hidden_state, features['attention_mask']) if self.unified_finetuning: sparse_vecs = self._sparse_embedding(last_hidden_state, features['input_ids']) colbert_vecs = self._colbert_embedding(last_hidden_state, features['attention_mask']) if self.normalize_embeddings: dense_vecs = F.normalize(dense_vecs, dim=-1) if self.unified_finetuning: colbert_vecs = F.normalize(colbert_vecs, dim=-1) return dense_vecs, sparse_vecs, colbert_vecs
[docs] def encode(self, features): """Encode and get the embedding. Args: features (Union[list, dict]): Features feed to the model. Returns: torch.Tensor: Dense embeddings. torch.Tensor: Sparce embeddings. torch.Tensor: Colbert vectors. """ if features is None: return None if not isinstance(features, list): if self.sub_batch_size is not None and self.sub_batch_size != -1: all_dense_vecs, all_sparse_vecs, all_colbert_vecs = [], [], [] for i in range(0, len(features['attention_mask']), self.sub_batch_size): end_inx = min(i + self.sub_batch_size, len(features['attention_mask'])) sub_features = {} for k, v in features.items(): sub_features[k] = v[i:end_inx] dense_vecs, sparse_vecs, colbert_vecs = self._encode(sub_features) all_dense_vecs.append(dense_vecs) all_sparse_vecs.append(sparse_vecs) all_colbert_vecs.append(colbert_vecs) dense_vecs =, 0) if self.unified_finetuning: sparse_vecs =, 0) colbert_vecs =, 0) else: dense_vecs, sparse_vecs, colbert_vecs = self._encode(features) else: all_dense_vecs, all_sparse_vecs, all_colbert_vecs = [], [], [] for sub_features in features: dense_vecs, sparse_vecs, colbert_vecs = self._encode(sub_features) all_dense_vecs.append(dense_vecs) all_sparse_vecs.append(sparse_vecs) all_colbert_vecs.append(colbert_vecs) dense_vecs =, 0) if self.unified_finetuning: sparse_vecs =, 0) colbert_vecs =, 0) if self.unified_finetuning: return dense_vecs.contiguous(), sparse_vecs.contiguous(), colbert_vecs.contiguous() else: return dense_vecs.contiguous(), None, None
[docs] def _compute_similarity(self, q_reps, p_reps): """Computes the similarity between query and passage representations using inner product. Args: q_reps (torch.Tensor): Query representations. p_reps (torch.Tensor): Passage representations. Returns: torch.Tensor: The computed similarity matrix. """ if len(p_reps.size()) == 2: return torch.matmul(q_reps, p_reps.transpose(0, 1)) return torch.matmul(q_reps, p_reps.transpose(-2, -1))
[docs] def _get_queries_attention_mask(self, queries: Union[Dict[str, Tensor], List[Dict[str, Tensor]]]): """padding attention mask for colbert Args: queries (Union[Dict[str, Tensor], List[Dict[str, Tensor]]]): Input queries. Returns: torch.Tensor: The query attention mask. """ if not isinstance(queries, list): q_mask = queries['attention_mask'] else: q_mask_list = [sub_features['attention_mask'] for sub_features in queries] _length = max([mask.shape[1] for mask in q_mask_list]) if self.tokenizer.padding_side == 'right': q_mask =[ F.pad(mask, (0, _length - mask.shape[1]), value=0) for mask in q_mask_list ], dim=0) else: q_mask =[ F.pad(mask, (_length - mask.shape[1], 0), value=0) for mask in q_mask_list ], dim=0) return q_mask
[docs] def forward( self, queries: Union[Dict[str, Tensor], List[Dict[str, Tensor]]] = None, passages: Union[Dict[str, Tensor], List[Dict[str, Tensor]]] = None, teacher_scores: Union[None, List[float]] = None, no_in_batch_neg_flag: bool = False, ): """The computation performed at every call. Args: queries (Union[Dict[str, Tensor], List[Dict[str, Tensor]]], optional): Input queries. Defaults to ``None``. passages (Union[Dict[str, Tensor], List[Dict[str, Tensor]]], optional): Input passages. Defaults to ``None``. teacher_scores (Union[None, List[float]], optional): Teacher scores for distillation. Defaults to ``None``. no_in_batch_neg_flag (bool, optional): If True, use no in-batch negatives and no cross-device negatives. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: EmbedderOutput: Output of the forward call of model. """ q_dense_vecs, q_sparse_vecs, q_colbert_vecs = self.encode(queries) # (batch_size, dim) p_dense_vecs, p_sparse_vecs, p_colbert_vecs = self.encode(passages) # (batch_size * group_size, dim) if if teacher_scores is not None: teacher_scores = torch.tensor(teacher_scores, device=q_dense_vecs.device) teacher_scores = teacher_scores.view(q_dense_vecs.size(0), -1).detach() # (batch_size, group_size) teacher_targets = F.softmax(teacher_scores, dim=-1) # (batch_size, group_size) else: teacher_targets = None if no_in_batch_neg_flag: compute_loss_func = self._compute_no_in_batch_neg_loss else: if self.negatives_cross_device: compute_loss_func = self._compute_cross_device_neg_loss else: compute_loss_func = self._compute_in_batch_neg_loss # dense loss dense_scores, loss = compute_loss_func( q_dense_vecs, p_dense_vecs, teacher_targets=teacher_targets, compute_score_func=self.compute_dense_score ) if self.unified_finetuning: # disable cross device negatives for unified finetuning if no_in_batch_neg_flag: compute_loss_func = self._compute_no_in_batch_neg_loss else: compute_loss_func = self._compute_in_batch_neg_loss # sparse loss sparse_scores, sparse_loss = compute_loss_func( q_sparse_vecs, p_sparse_vecs, teacher_targets=teacher_targets, compute_score_func=self.compute_sparse_score ) # colbert loss colbert_scores, colbert_loss = compute_loss_func( q_colbert_vecs, p_colbert_vecs, teacher_targets=teacher_targets, compute_score_func=self.compute_colbert_score, q_mask=self._get_queries_attention_mask(queries) ) # get dense scores of current process if not no_in_batch_neg_flag and self.negatives_cross_device: dense_scores = dense_scores[ q_dense_vecs.size(0)*self.process_rank : q_dense_vecs.size(0)*(self.process_rank+1), p_dense_vecs.size(0)*self.process_rank : p_dense_vecs.size(0)*(self.process_rank+1) ] # (batch_size, batch_size * group_size) # ensemble loss ensemble_scores, ensemble_loss = compute_loss_func( q_dense_vecs, p_dense_vecs, teacher_targets=teacher_targets, compute_score_func=self.ensemble_score, dense_scores=dense_scores, sparse_scores=sparse_scores, colbert_scores=colbert_scores ) loss = (loss + ensemble_loss + 0.1 * sparse_loss + colbert_loss) / 4 if self.use_self_distill and self.step > self.self_distill_start_step: self_teacher_targets = torch.softmax(ensemble_scores.detach(), dim=-1) dense_self_distill_loss = self.distill_loss("kl_div", self_teacher_targets, dense_scores) sparse_self_distill_loss = self.distill_loss("kl_div", self_teacher_targets, sparse_scores) colbert_self_distill_loss = self.distill_loss("kl_div", self_teacher_targets, colbert_scores) loss += (dense_self_distill_loss + 0.1 * sparse_self_distill_loss + colbert_self_distill_loss) / 3 loss = loss / 2 self.step += 1 else: loss = None return EmbedderOutput( loss=loss, )
[docs] def compute_loss(self, scores, target): """Compute the loss using cross entropy. Args: scores (torch.Tensor): Computed score. target (torch.Tensor): The target value. Returns: torch.Tensor: The computed cross entropy loss. """ return self.cross_entropy(scores, target)
[docs] def gradient_checkpointing_enable(self, **kwargs): """ Activates gradient checkpointing for the current model. """ self.model.gradient_checkpointing_enable(**kwargs)
[docs] def enable_input_require_grads(self, **kwargs): """ Enables the gradients for the input embeddings. """ self.model.enable_input_require_grads(**kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, output_dir: str): """Save the model to the directory. Args: output_dir (str): Directory for saving the model. """ def _trans_state_dict(state_dict): state_dict = type(state_dict)( {k: v.clone().cpu() for k, v in state_dict.items()}) return state_dict self.model.save_pretrained(output_dir, state_dict=_trans_state_dict(self.model.state_dict())) if self.unified_finetuning:, os.path.join(output_dir, '')), os.path.join(output_dir, ''))
[docs] class EncoderOnlyEmbedderM3ModelForInference(EncoderOnlyEmbedderM3Model): """ Inference class of M3 model. """
[docs] def forward(self, text_input: Dict[str, Tensor] = None, return_dense: bool = True, return_sparse: bool = False, return_colbert_vecs: bool = False, return_sparse_embedding: bool = False): """Encode the text input using the selected way. Args: text_input (Dict[str, Tensor], optional): Text inputs. Defaults to ``None``. return_dense (bool, optional): If True, return the dense embedding. Defaults to ``True``. return_sparse (bool, optional): If True, return the sparse embedding. Defaults to ``False``. return_colbert_vecs (bool, optional): If True, return the colbert vectors. Defaults to ``False``. return_sparse_embedding (bool, optional): Parameter for :meth:`_sparse_embedding()`. If True, will return sparse embedding. Otherwise, return the token weights. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the three types of embeddings. """ assert return_dense or return_sparse or return_colbert_vecs, 'Must choose one or more from `return_colbert_vecs`, `return_sparse`, `return_dense` to set `True`!' last_hidden_state = self.model(**text_input, return_dict=True).last_hidden_state output = {} if return_dense: dense_vecs = self._dense_embedding(last_hidden_state, text_input['attention_mask']) output['dense_vecs'] = dense_vecs if return_sparse: sparse_vecs = self._sparse_embedding( last_hidden_state, text_input['input_ids'], return_embedding=return_sparse_embedding ) output['sparse_vecs'] = sparse_vecs if return_colbert_vecs: colbert_vecs = self._colbert_embedding(last_hidden_state, text_input['attention_mask']) output['colbert_vecs'] = colbert_vecs if self.normalize_embeddings: if 'dense_vecs' in output: output['dense_vecs'] = F.normalize(output['dense_vecs'], dim=-1) if 'colbert_vecs' in output: output['colbert_vecs'] = F.normalize(output['colbert_vecs'], dim=-1) return output